When To Start Violin Lesson
Estimated Read Time⏰: 2 Minutes
Have You Got Children Interested in Violin Lessons But Not Sure If they Are the Right Age?
When Should I start My Children On Violin Lessons? The simple answer is whenever they express enough interest in them. If you want to know what age the youngest start could be, well some children have been know to start as young as 4 but…. In my opinion 6 years of age is a good age to start learning the violin.
Why 6? Or Older?
There are a few milestones which student would ideally have passed before they pick up an instrument and the Violin is no different. One is the ability to have basic reading, the musical stave is written in letters, each letter then corresponds to the note. The ability to read these notes make learning a lot easier to manage as a teacher can explain it simply.
Dexterity, or the ability to use your hands is another skill which works best when your child is a little bit older. When learning the Violin there is a couple of elements to get right, one being finger placement on the Violin and another is Holding the Bow correctly. Doing the two at the same time, for a novice is hard work and takes practice to get right.
Understanding the Teacher
Another important point for the student is going to be understanding the teacher, this means being able to take the information the teacher is explaining during a lessons and digesting it enough to be able to practice at home in between the lessons. This comprehension can be difficult in younger children, it can definitely be aided by a parent attending the lessons also but this isn’t always practical.
Patience ….. Slowly slowly and Bit by Bit
Honestly, Violin is a real challenge to get right and it takes practice and effort. It’s all worth it when you start to hear the beautiful tunes starting to come through but it takes time. Younger players can find it difficult to keep attention and practice up when it feels like its not paying off but it does eventually.