Terms of service.

Health & Safety Statement

Company Name: Blanchardstown School of Music & Shop Limited

Address: 1st Floor, Unit 103, Coolmine Industrial Estate, Blanchardstown, Co. Dublin, D15 P9FW

Date: 24.05.2024

1. Health & Safety Policy

We, at Blanchardstown School of Music & Shop Limited, are committed to ensuring the safety, health, and welfare of our employees, clients, and visitors. We recognize our responsibility to provide a safe and healthy work environment and will take all necessary steps to achieve this.

2. Responsibilities

  • Employer Responsibilities: As employers, we will ensure that all employees are aware of and understand their health and safety responsibilities. We will provide training, resources, and supervision to maintain a safe workplace.

  • Employee Responsibilities: Employees are required to take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions. They must cooperate with their employer on health and safety matters and report any hazards or potential hazards.

3. Risk Assessments

We will carry out risk assessments to identify potential hazards and implement control measures to reduce risks. These assessments will be reviewed regularly and updated as necessary.

4. Emergency Procedures

  • Fire Safety: Fire evacuation procedures will be clearly posted and practiced regularly. Fire extinguishers and other safety equipment will be maintained and accessible.

  • First Aid: A first aid kit will be readily available, and designated employees will be trained in first aid procedures.

5. Training and Information

We will provide appropriate health and safety training for all employees. This training will be ongoing to ensure that all employees are aware of the latest safety protocols and procedures.

6. Monitoring and Review

Health and safety performance will be monitored regularly through inspections and audits. This statement will be reviewed annually and updated as necessary to reflect changes in regulations or business practices.

7. Implementation

The implementation of this Health & Safety Statement is a priority, and we will allocate sufficient resources to ensure its effectiveness.


John Lynch
Blanchardstown School of Music & Shop Limited