Blanch Music | Music School & Music Shop
Weekly Music Lessons, Dublin 15
Learn. Play. Grow!
Fun & Engaging Music Lessons with Professional Teachers.
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Instruments We Teach
Piano Lessons are available as Private classes. Choose from a wide range of Genre’s including; Pop, Rock, Metal, Jazz and More.
Learn for fun or take Graded Piano Exams.
Piano Lessons
Guitar Lessons are available as Private One to One classes. During your classes you will learn about rhyh thm, melody, timing and more. Learn to play your favourite songs or take Exams!
Guitar Lessons
Violin Lessons
Ukulele Lessons are available as Private One to One classes. During your classes you will learn about rhythm, melody, timing and more. Learn to play your favourite songs or take Exams!
Ukulele Lessons
Drum Lessons are available as Private or Group classes. Choose from a wide range of Genre’s including; Pop, Rock, Metal, Jazz and More.
Drum Lessons
Voice Lessons are available as Private One to One classes. Learn Modern, Contemporary, Musical Theatre and more. Learn for Fun or take Graded Singing Exams.
Voice Lessons
Dates & Fees
We offer lessons 40 weeks of the year*. Our academic year is broken into 3 Main Terms and another short Term during July.
Our main terms are between September and June. Classes are done on a Weekly basis, once you have signed up for a Term you space is held at that day/time.
From September to June there are 36 weeks of lessons. We follow the Primary School Calendar for our Start/End dates and Secondary School for Mid-Term Breaks.
Find Out More About Our Dates & Fees Here.
*40 Weeks includes, Term 4, July
650+ Students
12 Lesson Rooms
26+ Teachers
Established in 2008, Blanch Music has been offering professional weekly music lessons ever since! Our aim is to give high quality music lessons for students from 6 to 106.
Our School has 12 Lessons Room, Music Shop for Instruments, Books, Accessories & More. With over 650 students, 26 Teachers and 3 Full time administration staff.
Our ethos is the school is to have fun but get the work done, which means we want all our students enjoy every lesson but ensure that the knowledge need to help them grow musically is imparted.
Note from one of the Founders
I started learning Music at 9 years of age, my very first instrument was the Bugle. From there I progressed to Trumpet & Cornet. At the age of 12 I moved to Drums. Since then Music has shaped my life, if it was rehearsals with our local Silver Band or my own Rock/Pop Band I was alway busy with Music.
I And out Teachers have been lucky enough to make a career out of music and still get to enjoy it everyday!
Open 6 Days A Week
10% Student Discount
Upto 40 Weeks of Lessons
Our Location
1st Floor, Unit 103, Coolmine Industrial Est, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, D15 P9FW
(Beside Power City)
13:00 - 21:00
Friday / Saturday
11am - 18:00
(01) 8103504